Tuesday 11 June 2013

It Runs in the Family!

I wrote this blog post about my theatre production in Ghana about a month ago but the internet was so slow I couldn't upload it. So here it is!

One of the best experiences I've had here by far has been being part of a University of Ghana theatre production. The play is a British farce called It Runs in the Family, by Ray Cooney. It's a comedy of errors set in a doctor's common room. Dr. Morton, a rather greedy and pompous doctor, is practicing for an important speech he is to give that morning. But he keeps being interrupted by doctors, nurses, cleaning ladies, and finally Jane, a woman he had an affair with in the hospital 18 years ago. Jane is there to tell him that he has an 18 year old son who is downstairs and wants to meet him. Mayhem ensues with banging doors, cross-dressing doctors, matrons falling out windows, and run-ins with police.

The play ran for one weekend and was a huge success! We actually extended it one day because there were so many people who couldn't get in the last night. The theater is outdoors (rehearsals were also done in a courtyard outside). It was interesting to compare audiences in the US to audiences in Ghana. In my opinion, Ghanaian audiences are much more involved in the performance...audibly at least. If they don't like a character, they make it known. The audience didn't seem to like when Mrs. Morton asked questions. They thought she was too nosy. So every time she spoke a line, the audience let out a simultaneous "AAAaayyyy." 

The rehearsal process was similar to student directed production rehearsals in the U.S., only I'd say the directors here in Ghana are a little more autocratic and harsher to actors. My only explanation for this is that it's a style that's taught or passed down by professors. All in all though I had a great experience and met some of my best friends in Ghana through this production.

Below are some pics from the show. Enjoy!

 Jane telling Dr. Morton about his son

Jane fake crying  

 Morton trying to convince Hubert to be his son's father

on the window ledge

 some cross dressing

some karate to distract the sergeant 

 some more karate

 Hubert proposing to Jane. The end! 

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