Friday 1 February 2013

We're Not in America Anymore.

Ghana doesn't enjoy a lot of the privileges that the U.S. does. In the hostel and in most public places, there is no toilet paper or soap. Internet is slooooww. Some mosquitoes carry malaria. Many women carry their babies on their backs to work--while carrying things on their heads. Despite all this, everyone I've met--in the markets, on the street, on campus--has been friendly and helpful, always smiling or willing to help you find your way around.

Bags of water. Most people drink out of these. They're cheaper than buying water bottles. This whole bag was 1.5 cedis--about 50 cents in the States.

Trash outside the hostel. Open sewers line the streets so you have to be careful not to step in one! I've seen people picking up trash occasionally. There is so much though! I'm taking a theatre for development course where we will focus on improving sanitation in Accra through theatre.

First bug bite...I've had plenty since.

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